Think first, then write – the science and art of written communication

This program will change your life (well, your writing life at least). Based on the ground breaking work of McKinsey consultant Barbara Minto, as espoused in her book The Pyramid Principle it introduces a methodology that is used around the world by most major management consulting firms, many major corporations and some government departments.

The course content is based on research into how the brain processes information. It teaches how to structure written work in a way that the brain can best comprehend and recall.

The methodology insists on the use of inductive and deductive logic in the mounting of arguments. (The course includes an explanation of those terms.) This leads to rigorous, disciplined thinking and compelling and often briefer writing.

The program is perfect for professionals who already write significant documents (reports, proposals, presentations, board papers, legal advice) and who want to both tighten what they write and improve their efficiency.